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Minimize multivariate functions in Python easily! Wrapper around a plethora of existing methods and implementation of other under the same interface!
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Some neural networks used in the state-of-the-art regarding brain tumour classification with hyperspectral imaging. The project icon has been created with resources from Flaticon.com
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Python library to manipulate hyperspectral data from the SLIMBRAIN database.
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Find the best hyperparameters for sklearn estimators. It supports different hyperparameter tuning techniques such as Optuna or build-in sklearn techniques suchs as GridSearchCV or RandomizedSearchCV.
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Contains 2 projects:
Python-app: Record, encode and upload Smartphone-app: download, decode and visualize
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VVenC v1.4 optimized with SIMD operations for ARM Neon processor. SIMDe library is used for conversion of x86 SIMD operations to Neon.
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Reference design for GNU Radio extension on a Generic Accelerator Platform
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